Ministry of Justice - Family Section



Master's Degree Capstone

Master's Degree Capstone


8 weeks

8 weeks

This collaborative project re-designed New Zealand Ministry of Justice's Family Section, emphasizing user research, design system development, and prototype creation. With the last update in 2015, it prioritized a user-centric, accessible approach, especially in the Care of Children section, in response to the Te Korowai Tureā-Whānau report.

This collaborative project re-designed New Zealand Ministry of Justice's Family Section, emphasizing user research, design system development, and prototype creation. With the last update in 2015, it prioritized a user-centric, accessible approach, especially in the Care of Children section, in response to the Te Korowai Tureā-Whānau report.


Co-Project Manager



Usability Testing

Co-Project Manager



Usability Testing







Paulina Ramirez Nicolette Catalan Matias Erminyi

Yi-Chin Chyi

Iqa Jamauldin Julia Zhang

Paulina Ramirez

Nicolette Catalan

Matias Erminyi

Yi-Chin Chyi

Iqa Jamauldin

Julia Zhang

Paulina Ramirez Nicolette Catalan Matias Erminyi

Yi-Chin Chyi

Iqa Jamauldin Julia Zhang

See full case study on desktop.
See full case study on desktop.

In 2019, as a response to the Te Korowai Ture ā-Whānau report, the Care of Children page of the Family section underwent a re-evaluation, addressing concerns about Family Court and its effectiveness, fairness and accessibility.

Problem Statement

How can we develop and apply a comprehensive Design System for the Ministry of Justice, merging successful features from the Care of Children update into the remainder of the Family section to guarantee consistency and enhance the website’s usability?

Primary Research
March 11
Website Teardown

Analysed the old and current designs to identify strengths, pain points as well as the areas for improvement.

March 15
Stakeholder Interviews

To understand methods and processes as well as stakeholder needs and expectations.

March 19~
Comparative Usability Testing

Testing identified what areas the new design and should be incorporated into our design


March 28
Information Architecture Workshop

The aim was to establish principles for reconstructing the Family section web pages.

IA Principles

April 17~
Prototype Usability Testing

Tested our low-fidelity prototype to evaluate the effectiveness of our improvements.

May 1
Language Use Meeting

We improved titles and created page overview guidelines, developed with content and policy writers.

Website Prototype
Future Enhancements
Additional Testing

‍Conducting additional usability tests on any changes is essential. They ensure that the changes and improvements align with the users’ needs and that the modifications effectively and positively enhance navigation and comprehension.

Skip Logic

Implementing skip logic into the “Where to Start” page can be beneficial in improving the website’s content and navigation by hiding irrelevant pages and guiding users to the relevant sections for their situation.

Digital Forms

The Ministry of Justice has started this initiative with their Te Au Reka project, a digital content management system. By introducing digital forms the application process is streamlined, allowing users to submit all necessary forms online and removing the need to print the forms.